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About PYG Apparel

Celebrating All Things Hair

PYG apparel is all about lifting women of color up, and

encouraging  them to learn how to embrace their natural hair, by providing them with apparel that celebrates natural hair. Protect Your Glory Apparel is about empowering women to protect their glory as stated in 1 Corinthians 11:15, that a woman's hair is her glory. We understand how important a woman's hair is to her confidence. Our apparel is dedicated to guiding women on a journey to love and care for their natural hair.


The mission of the company is to create a brand that uplifts women instead of degrading them. The company is about empowering women to protect their glory as stated in 1 Corinthians 11:15, that a woman's hair is her glory. We understand how important a woman's hair is to her confidence. Our apparel is dedicated to guiding women on a journey to love and care for their natural hair. Our goal is to inspire women to maintain and embrace their natural hair. We want to provide the highest level of service while individualizing every customer and maintaining integrity, fairness, and honesty with them. We see ourselves as a trusted company.

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